Alyssa Canann

Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation (ICF)

Certified Grief and End of Life Coach

Certified Death Midwife

Hospice Volunteer

Coaching Underground is dedicated to coaching beneath the surface of things.

services offered:

about mE

As a coach, I am intrigued by what lies beneath the stories of who we are, what we want and why we are here.  What is coaching?

What moves me to sit with people who are dying and grieving?

In March of 2012, my mother died.  In May of 2013, my father died.  In October of 2013, my husband died. During that time, I learned much about myself, about how people die, how families and their circles of friends mourn and how they are supported or not by their larger communities.

My husband’s death was expected. He had suffered a long illness. He and I had the opportunity to speak openly about the process and inevitability of death, to create intentional rituals of honoring and leave-taking, and to plan a home funeral service in which the entire family and community could actively participate. Engaging so openly with the process of dying proved profoundly supportive to my husband, my family and myself. I saw firsthand that dying holds an invitation to enter more intimately into relationship with oneself, with others and with life itself.

After my husband’s death, as my own grief process was unfolding, I was moved to explore the diverse ways we grieve and die. I was inspired by those willing to talk openly about death – from aspects mysterious to mundane – and by those who fiercely urge us to accept and honor the reality of grief. Earning certification in grief and end of life coaching allows me to offer others a space in which the dying and those who love and care for them can meet whatever arises, as it arises, with kindness, curiosity and authenticity.


about my training

My coaching certifications were earned through the Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) in Grief & End of Life Coaching offered by Dr. Don Eisenhauer of Coaching at End of Life, LLC. (

This unique, comprehensive, ICF PCC certification training includes, but is not limited to, the following coursework, with concomitant practice labs and real world “in the field” coaching hours:

  • Laying the Foundation (A Coach Approach)

  • Why A Coach Approach to End of Life

  • Coaching People Who Are Dying

  • Coaching People Who Are Grieving

  • Coaching Yourself Through Grief

  • Being End of Life “Safe” (not what you might think!)

  • Coaching Groups in Grief

  • Coaching Scenarios in End of Life Care

  • The End of Life Coaching Model

  • Spirituality in End of Life Coaching

  • Humor in the Face of Dying

  • End of Life Coaching in the Workplace

Additional training includes:

Death Midwife – Sacred Crossings, Los Angeles, CA

Funeral Celebrant Training - Sacred Crossings, Los Angeles, CA

Twilight Brigade Training – Los Angeles V.A. Hospital

Contemplative Practice and Rituals in Service to the Dying, with Roshi Joan Halifax and Frank Ostaseki –   Upaya, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Faculty Training, Coaching at End of Life, LLC

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